London wellness coaching services to know about
Everything you need to know about wellness coaching and how it can help you recalibrate your lifestyle post-lockdown
![Your A to Z on wellness coaching. Photo: Getty Images/Glow RM](/images/uploads/cw-49530.jpg)
The good news? You can start to take back control. But, as is the case with any lifestyle shift, it can be difficult to know how and when to start. Enter the wellness coach. The growing awareness of the benefits of a holistic approach to health has pre-empted a rising trend in the field of wellness coaching.
Below, we outline everything you need to know about wellness coaching and how it can help you recalibrate your lifestyle post-lockdown.
What is a wellness coach?
A wellness coach, sometimes known as a health coach, takes a holistic look at their client’s lifestyle and overall health. They will help their clients to root out bad habits and replace them with goals for a cleaner, healthier way of living that can be sustained long term.
They will assess a variety of factors including diet, exercise, flexibility, cardiovascular strength, sleep quality, enjoyment of life and energy levels. The wellness coach is not only a great motivator, but is also an attentive ‘listener’ and enables their client to offload possible stress and emotional overburden. Coaches may additionally offer nutritional advice, PT, yoga, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) or energy healing, to help the client implement strategies that will bring optimal health.
Wellness coach vs health coach
There is very little difference between the two. Neither form of coaching is strictly regulated, nor do they require standard uniform qualifications. This means you need to look at the individual reputation and skill set of each practitioner carefully and assess if they suit your needs.
Who needs a wellness coach?
During lockdown, studies found that about 30% of the population were drinking more alcohol, and 50% put on weight. A far greater percentage admitted to having felt periods of anxiety, low mood and lack of self-esteem or purpose. If you have experienced any or all of these symptoms and want some help in regaining your zest for life you may benefit from wellness coaching.
How long do you need a wellness coach for?
Some people will achieve transformational results in just three months; others will need a little longer. In some cases, people see their wellness coach, not just as a health consultant, but also as a general sounding board for life – and the relationship can last for many years.
What do wellness coaches offer?
Practitioners are likely to have very different expertise and qualifications. Typically, these may include life coaching, nutrition, personal training, yoga, NLP, meditation, hypnosis and energy healing. Pick out the strands that are important to you.
Then establish whether you wish to receive online help from a large organisation, (most offer tried and tested packages of coaching), or whether to use the more intimate and personal approach of a one-on-one ‘real life’ wellness coach.
If you choose a freelance coach, you will be working closely with them on many levels so mutual trust is vital. Many offer an initial complimentary consultation, which will help you to scope out their personality and give you a feel for potential rapport.
How to find a wellness coach
It is a minefield, so look to the resources below as a starting point. Use the relevant regulatory body or organisation below to source the main specialism of the practitioner, and then look at any additional qualifications they may have. It is this comprehensive basket of skills that makes their offering fall under the umbrella of wellness coaching.
Yoga Alliance: yoga instructors listed may also have extra experience, particularly in the field of energy healing.
National Register of Personal Trainers (NRPT): many of the PTs listed may also offer nutritional qualifications, massages and yoga.
Bidvine: this is a reputable register of local service professionals.
Life coaching directory: many of the registered practitioners are qualified in NLP, (the form of communication, personal development and psychotherapy that sits behind life coaching), hypnosis and time line therapy, (a treatment that has evolved from hypnosis and NLP).
The four wellness programmes below also come highly recommended:
Zest4Life is a long-established countrywide team of more than 230 health and nutrition experts who claim to ‘transform your health, so you can live a life you love’. All Zest4Life members are qualified nutritional therapists and/or health coaches, who offer a sophisticated blend of nutritional advice and coaching techniques to change bad habits and help to achieve optimum health.
Noom believes that psychology and mindful eating are the key to making lasting changes to your health and lifestyle. This trending app takes your personal details and lifestyle information and offers you a tailored programme, with lots of tips on diet, exercise and habit changing. You are also assigned a virtual lifestyle coach to motivate you and keep you on track. The manageable bite-sized chunks of information make this option very suitable for people with hectic work/social lives.
Fitmate is an online customised nutrition, exercise and lifestyle plan. It is delivered via Whatsapp for as little as £40 per month. Fill in a health questionnaire online and you will be assigned a coach, who will tailor a nutritional plan suitable for you, design your workouts and try to help in other areas of your life, where bad habits may have set in. It aims to keep you accountable, enabling you to achieve lasting wellness.
In her mid-50s, Annie Deadman has done the ‘juggling of family with work, feeling constantly tired, lacking confidence thing’ – and decided to make significant changes. She has developed fitness, dietary and lifestyle plans to overhaul your diet, reboot your energy, improve your fitness and change your outlook on life. She works in southwest London, both in person and online.