The best new podcasts 2018
We love podcasts. They're something to listen to when your stuck on a dark train, something to fall asleep to when you need a screen break, a murder investigation to haunt you when you need a thrill, and a whole series of intelligent people talking to each other in your ear.
Make room on your phone: we've found the latest series you should be listening to. After some searching, we've found a few promising new podcasts like Serial, and the latest British comedy to replace My Dad Wrote A Porno. Add the latter to your list of 'things you try not to laugh at while commuting on a silent train'. Plug in and enjoy.
Listen if: You loved the Sunday Times' Pandolly podcast.
What is it: The indistinguishable, jolly voices of Dolly Alderton and Pandora Sykes merge on the airways for an hour (Their previous effort, the Pandolly Podcast, was a mere 15 minutes) of news, pop culture and chatting about women's issues. Pandora is pregnant, and its refreshing and real to hear her take on the experience.
Sample quote: 'We fetishize the state of pregnancy in a way I find quite uncomfortable... it's a dangerous lie...'