The best new podcasts 2018
We love podcasts. They're something to listen to when your stuck on a dark train, something to fall asleep to when you need a screen break, a murder investigation to haunt you when you need a thrill, and a whole series of intelligent people talking to each other in your ear.
Make room on your phone: we've found the latest series you should be listening to. After some searching, we've found a few promising new podcasts like Serial, and the latest British comedy to replace My Dad Wrote A Porno. Add the latter to your list of 'things you try not to laugh at while commuting on a silent train'. Plug in and enjoy.
Listen if: You liked Criminal.
What is it: Not another crime drama. The makers of Criminal have decided to take on a different, difficult subject: love. Their studies on 'life's most persistent mystery' isn't a walk on the beach. The first episode investigates spiders that let their own young devour them. It launches, surprise, surprise, on Valentine's Day. 'A simple act of love isn't always pretty'.
Sample quote: 'That's when they do something really kind of strange. The mother basically thrums on the web, drawing the babies to her... they swarm all over here... they move in toward her as a group, and they start eating.'