The best new podcasts 2018
We love podcasts. They're something to listen to when your stuck on a dark train, something to fall asleep to when you need a screen break, a murder investigation to haunt you when you need a thrill, and a whole series of intelligent people talking to each other in your ear.
Make room on your phone: we've found the latest series you should be listening to. After some searching, we've found a few promising new podcasts like Serial, and the latest British comedy to replace My Dad Wrote A Porno. Add the latter to your list of 'things you try not to laugh at while commuting on a silent train'. Plug in and enjoy.
Listen if: Like us, you always read the review section of the paper cover-to-cover.
What is it: A culture cheat-sheet from The Guardian. The Guardian's new cultural podcast, The Start, has just aired its first episode. In it, Sofia Coppola talks uninterruptedly about making her film adaptation of The Virgin Suicides when she was just in her twenties. The first episode also touches on 2017's The Beguiled and is 17 minutes long – a perfect cultural soundbite.
Sample quote: 'It was scary directing a film but I was so connected to the material that I felt like I had to do it, that there wasn’t a choice.'