Metropolitan line, Northern line, Piccadilly line, Circle line, Victoria line, Hammersmith & City line | Camden | Zone 1 | A red-light district of London in the late 20th century, after years of reconstruction King's Cross is now a bustling, clean area filled with tech companies (Google has its offices here), art schools (the giant Central Saint Martin's building is 5 minutes walk from the station), and plenty of outside spaces. Your guide to the best new things to do near King's Cross St. Pancras station - events, shows, restaurants, bars, galleries, shops & more!
Metropolitan line, Northern line, Piccadilly line, Circle line, Victoria line, Hammersmith & City line | Camden | Zone 1 | A red-light district of London in the late 20th century, after years of reconstruction King's Cross is now a bustling, clean area filled with tech companies (Google has its offices here), art schools (the giant Central Saint Martin's building is 5 minutes walk from the station), and plenty of outside spaces.
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