Best non-fiction books 2017 – the list so far
Some of us are recent converts to non-fiction, and we feel rather zealous about it. Contrary to what we thought, non-fiction shouldn't remind you of school. You shouldn't struggle through it or only have it on your shelf for showing off.
No, it should be un-putdownable, life changing. You should want to press these pages into your friend's hands, into stranger's hands, rearrange your local bookshops' shelves and start Twitter-stalking the authors.
All this madness awaits: first you have to read our pick of the best non-fiction of 2017.
Click through our gallery to see them all.
The Rules Do Not Apply is the most brutal and relatable memoir of the year. New Yorker journalist Ariel Levy miscarries at 19 weeks in a strange country, on an assignment at the age of 38.
The tragic incident, first published as an article in 2013, causes her to reassess her whole life. She feels she can no longer string life out as a fine balancing act between her stellar career and motherhood.
Though light at the end of the tunnel comes from a consoling doctor, her realisations will challenge your own optimisms –about fertility, about luck, about – dare we say it – having it all.