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Tried and Tested
Irish choreographer and theatre maker Michael Keegan-Dolan’s Nobodaddy is an anarchic, fragmentary work that uses the theme of death to celebrate life
Tried and Tested
Michael Keegan-Dolan's exhilarating MÁM has lost nothing of its power on its return to Sadler's Wells three years after its first outing there
Tried and Tested
Irish choreographer Michael Keegan-Dolan and his company Teaċ Daṁsa unleash primeval forces with their new work MÁM at Sadler’s Wells
Three diverse choreographers respond to Nico Muhly’s music in Drawn Lines, the latest programme in Sadler's Wells' Composer Series
Tried and Tested
Swan Lake migrates to the Irish Midlands in a gritty and powerful dance-theatre adaptation