This relaxed Saturday night comedy club is housed in the Camden Head pub, just a few minutes from Camden Town tube station. Hosted by veteran comedian and promoter Ivor Dembina, it's an intimate but well-lit venue, seating only 70 people, which makes for some great views. Guest comedians range from up and coming new acts to well-stablished comics, with the odd big star name thrown in. Take a look at our reviews and recommendations, designed to help you book the best new shows at the Hampstead Comedy Club - be inspired by our London theatre guide!
This relaxed Saturday night comedy club is housed in the Camden Head pub, just a few minutes from Camden Town tube station. Hosted by veteran comedian and promoter Ivor Dembina, it's an intimate but well-lit venue, seating only 70 people, which makes for some great views. Guest comedians range from up and coming new acts to well-stablished comics, with the odd big star name thrown in.
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