An intimate club and bar in the heart of East London, Cargo is one of the area’s few purpose-built venues. Gigs are almost always scheduled seven days a week and the club’s tastes are catholic: you’re as likely to hear art-punk as you are to hear dubstep. It’s located moments away from Hoxton Square—try Hoxton Bar and Kitchen for good food (beers ‘n’ burgers). On the other side is the Brick Lane, full of cheap and cheerful curry houses. The venue is just over a five-minute walk from Old Street and Shoreditch High Street stations. Take a look at our reviews and recommendations, designed to help you book the best new shows at Cargo - be inspired by our London theatre guide!
83 Rivington St | MAP
An intimate club and bar in the heart of East London, Cargo is one of the area’s few purpose-built venues. Gigs are almost always scheduled seven days a week and the club’s tastes are catholic: you’re as likely to hear art-punk as you are to hear dubstep. It’s located moments away from Hoxton Square—try Hoxton Bar and Kitchen for good food (beers ‘n’ burgers). On the other side is the Brick Lane, full of cheap and cheerful curry houses. The venue is just over a five-minute walk from Old Street and Shoreditch High Street stations.
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