This little London comedy club in Soho was founded by Hills Jago with the goal of discovering the UK's top new comedians. It has hosted and championed some extremely big names over the years, such as Jimmy Carr, Greg Davies, Alex Zane and Jack Whitehall. Celebrities are often spotted in the audience and sometimes they play host to very special 'secret guests'. In the past these secret gigs have included an unusually intimate performance by international comedy titan Eddie Izzard. They have a second branch in Kings Cross. Read our reviews and recommendations to help you book the best events and experiences at Amused Moose Soho - Culture Whisper has all the latest show, exhibition, restaurant, market and festival details in one place, plus much more!
London, Moonlighting Nightclub, 17 Greek Street | MAP | WEBSITE
This little London comedy club in Soho was founded by Hills Jago with the goal of discovering the UK's top new comedians. It has hosted and championed some extremely big names over the years, such as Jimmy Carr, Greg Davies, Alex Zane and Jack Whitehall. Celebrities are often spotted in the audience and sometimes they play host to very special 'secret guests'. In the past these secret gigs have included an unusually intimate performance by international comedy titan Eddie Izzard.
They have a second branch in Kings Cross.
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