Revolution: Russian Art 1917-1932, Royal Academy

The turbulence of the Russian Revolution captured on canvas at the Royal Academy

Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev, Bolshevik, 1920, Royal Academy
The first half of the 20th century marked the most turbulent years in Russia's history. Imperial Tsarist rule was overthrown, the Lenin and the Bolsheviks took power and society was rocked to its foundations.

The arts flourished, as creatives tried to find a language for rhis new utopian regime, pioneering new modes and methods of production. Communist-sanctioned Social Realism wrestled with Kandinsky’s electrifying compositions, the dynamism of Malevich and the Suprematists and Chagall's sprawling modernism. A hundred years on, you can relive this towering moment in modern world history at the Royal Academy.

Look out for propaganda posters from the golden age of graphic design. The human experience will be brought to life with a full-scale recreation of an apartment designed for communal living, and with everyday objects ranging from ration coupons and textiles to remarkable pieces of Soviet porcelain.

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What Revolution: Russian Art 1917-1932, Royal Academy
Where Royal Academy, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BD | MAP
Nearest tube Piccadilly Circus (underground)
When 11 Feb 17 – 17 Apr 17, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Price ££18
Website Click here to book via the Royal Academy

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