Victorians Decoded: Art and Telegraphy, Guildhall Art Gallery

Decode the 1800s at this Victorian Exhibition. London travels back in time at the Guildhall Galleries.

Victorians Decoded, Exhibition London, Guildhall Galleries
The Guildhall Gallery is hosting an exciting exhibition which focusses on the impact of telegraphy on the artistic imagination of the Victorians. London exhibitions have focussed on the 19th Century many a time, but this exhibit looks in depth at means of communication, which underwent huge change during the period with such revolutions as the successful lining of cable along the floor of the Atlantic ocean.

Innovation in technology utterly captivated the mind of the Victorian artist, who responded visually in droves to the brave new world they were facing. So hop on board, and take a look at Victorian paintings, scientific apparatus and the personal papers of telegraph pioneer Sir Charles Wheatstone. Never have art and science come together so explosively.

The project is a collaboration between the he Courtauld Institute of Art, King's College London and the Guildhall Art Gallery and you can find out more about the wider programme of research and activity commemorating this event here.

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What Victorians Decoded: Art and Telegraphy, Guildhall Art Gallery
Where Guildhall Art Gallery, Guildhall Yard, London, EC2V 5AE | MAP
Nearest tube Bank (underground)
When 20 Sep 16 – 22 Jan 17, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Price £0
Website Click here to find out more

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