Alice Channer: Synthetic Fibres, The Approach Gallery

For Synthetic Fibres by Alice Channer, the Approach Gallery is transformed by a mesmerising medley of materials

Deepwater Horizon, (detail), 2014, Courtesy the Approach Gallery

For Synthetic Fibres by Alice Channer, the Approach Gallery is transformed by a mesmerising medley of materials

Several London gallery spaces occupy the function rooms and dining rooms above pubs. Few of these put their distinctive location to use as elegantly as The Approach. The pub itself is a rather nice traditional East End boozer in a quiet spot between Bethnal Green and Victoria Park. But despite its low-key appearance, the Approach has an impressive exhibition programme.

The Artist…

Alice Channer, who has shown regularly at the Approach in the past, is recognised for the use of fabrics in her work. In previous exhibitions, Channer has referred to her work as "dressing the gallery"; so much of her practice involves draping and hanging fabrics around the room. The new works in this exhibition, entitled Synthetic Fibres, expand on Channer's evident interest in materials both natural and artificial.

The Exhibition…

For this show, Channer has developed a series of highly specialised production techniques. For an idea of just how peculiar Channer's methods are you needn't look further than the list of materials used in one of her works; "mirror polished and laser cut stainless steel, super-matt lacquered and laser cut stainless steel, cast and mirror polished aluminium, accordion pleated snake skin, heat-embossed stretch polyester, stretch alligator print maxi-skirt, pelletised HDPE and stretch snake print vest top". And that's just for a single sculpture.

Critical view…

Channer developed her fascination with the technicalities of materials while studying at the RCA, an institution renowned for giving its students access to advanced facilities and technology. Often the work of a former RCA student can be spotted a mile off: dozens of superfluous materials and techniques thrown together for the sake of it. But in making this tendency the central focus of her work, Channer creates something captivating and with purpose.

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What Alice Channer: Synthetic Fibres, The Approach Gallery
Where The Approach Gallery, The Approach Gallery , 1st Floor 47 Approach Rd London , E2 9LY | MAP
Nearest tube Bethnal Green (underground)
When 29 May 14 – 06 Jul 14, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Price £Free
Website Click here for more information via the Approach Gallery