A painter's progress: a portrait of Lucian Freud

New book release from Lucian Freud's assistant David Dawson depicts the artist in his most intimate surroundings. Exclusive discount for CW members

© David Dawson
Lucian Freud was, at the time of his death, considered one of the greatest figurative artists in the second half of the twentieth century. His private world was, however, closed and mysterious. 

Now for the first time, his ex-assistant, David Dawson, has released intimate portraits of Freud in his home, taken in the late 1990s. The photographs illustrate the developing closeness of their relationship, and depict the artist as we have never seen him before. 

The photographs also show the Kensington home in which the artist died in 2011, at the age of 88. 

Lucian Freud is often considered one of the greatest British painters, and along with his friend Francis Bacon, redefined British art, and the revelations that the human body could offer the painter. 

Except to his small circle of family, friends and models, this is a side of Freud that has never been seen. David Dawson's picture of Freud touchingly portrays the regular routine of Freud and his daily lives, as the aging artist quickly became Dawson's favourite subject. 

A Painter's Progress: A Portrait of Lucian Freud
was released in hardback on the 6th of November by Johnathan Cape, £35. Click here to order a copy. 
Culture Whisper members: exclusive discount: 

Culture Whisper are delighted to offer our members an exclusive discount on Dawson's book. Follow this link for more information. 
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