Poems That Make Grown Men Cry

The alpha males of the intellectual world reveal and read the poems that make them cry in a landmark event at the National Theatre.

Poems That Make Grown Men Cry

Stereotypes say boys don’t cry and men should maintain a stiff upper lip. In defiance of these gender limitations, a new anthology Poems that Make Grown Men Cry celebrates the tear-jerking power of poetry. 100 eminent men have selected the poem that most moves them and described why it makes them misty eyed. To mark the book’s launch, contributors will take to the stage at the Lyttleton Theatre to read their chosen poem and share its significance. Richard Eyre will direct speakers including Melvyn Bragg, Richard Dawkins, Ian McEwan and Simon Russell Beale. In a brave breakdown of masculine clichés these public figures will reveal the heartfelt reasons or personal memories that make the poems so emotive.

The collection explores the full emotional spectrum – despair, joy, love, and loss. Contributors range from early 20s to late 80s, represent 20 different nationalities and a multitude of professions. This broad selection makes for eclectic and surprising choices: classic poems are combined with lesser-known verses; female poets feature prominently; Auden proves the most touching poet (he appears five times), closely followed by Hardy, Housman and Larkin. The explanations each man wrote to accompany and explain his choice prove as poignant as the poetry. These personal pieces give an unflinchingly sincere insight into the emotions of well-known and respected men and add a unique element to an already charming collection of poems.

Both the event and the book raise money Amnesty International. This charitable collaboration highlights poetry’s pertinence as the product of free expression and the depiction of human struggles. Amnesty director Kate Allen will host the evening along with the book’s editors, father and son team Anthony and Ben Holden. As well as celebrating creative and emotional freedom associated with poetry, Allen describes how the anthology will challenge ‘dangerous’ gender stereotyping and encourage boys ‘to know that crying – and poetry – isn’t just for girls’. Whatever your gender, this will be an eye-opening evening. Just don’t forget to bring tissues; it could be a tearjerker.

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What Poems That Make Grown Men Cry
Where National Theatre, South Bank, London, SE1 9PX | MAP
Nearest tube Waterloo (underground)
When On 29 Apr 14, 6:00 PM – 7:15 PM
Price £4
Website Click here to book at the National Theatre