'My Beautiful Film Career': Hanif Kureishi - British Library

Provocative novelist, screenwriter and filmmaker Hanif Kureishi will give a rare reflection on his film achievements...

Hanif Kureishi. Photography © Kier Kureishi

Provocative novelist, screenwriter and filmmaker Hanif Kureishi will give a rare reflection on his film achievements as part of the British Library's Spring Festival (27-31 March). From My Beautiful Laundrette (1985) to Le Week-end (2013), Kureishi's film career has been critically acclaimed with an award for Best Screenplay (New York Film Critics) and academy nominations. Exploring themes of sexuality, nationalism and immigration through powerful but poignant dialogue, Kureishi is never far from controversy.

Delightfully, he is just as candid and creative when he speaks as when he writes. His insights into his personal filmmaking journey will be punctuated with screenings, and comments from his film collaborators. He may have a CBE to his name, but the reformed ‘bad boy of English Literature’ remains refreshingly grounded. ‘I've never had any desire to be good,' he told The Telegraph . 'I don't like goodness particularly. I like passion.' His emphasis on artistic drive bodes well for a thought-provoking account of his film career.


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What 'My Beautiful Film Career': Hanif Kureishi - British Library
Where British Library, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB | MAP
Nearest tube Acton Town (underground)
When On 29 Mar 14, 1.30pm-6.00pm
Price ££14-£20
Website Click here to book via the British Library