Winter Salon, Peirene Press

If outstanding literature, great company and excellent wine sound like the components of your perfect evening, then you will love Peirene Press'...

Winter Salon, Peirene Press

If outstanding literature, great company and excellent wine sound like the components of your perfect evening, then you will love Peirene Press ' glamorous literary salon evenings. The award-winning boutique publishing house, which specialises in contemporary European novellas in English translation, and selects only titles that are best-selling or award-winning in their native countries, seeks to extend and add another dimension to the reading experience.

The Winter Salon on 7 December features the British poet and writer Ruth Padel . Having published eight poetry collections, a novel, and eight non-fiction works, including three on reading poetry, Padel will present her latest book, The Mara Crossing . This mixed-genre piece is a meditation on migration, prose and poetry. We can't wait to hear this compelling work straight from the author's mouth.

Tickets:   £12 for Peirene 2013 Subscribers,  £20 for non-Peirene Subscribers

Address & Map:  17 Cheverton Rd,  London N19 3BB   ‎

Nearest Tube: Archway 

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What Winter Salon, Peirene Press
Where Peirene Premises, 17 Cheverton Road , London , N19 3BB | MAP
When On 07 Dec 13, 7.30pm drinks, readings begin at 8.15pm
Website Click here for more information and to book via Peirene Press