balletLORENT, Rumpelstiltskin at Sadler's Wells

As an Easter holiday treat for the entire family, balletLORENT brings its charming work Rumpelstiltskin to Sadler’s Wells

balletLORENT Rumpelstiltskin, Dancer Gavin Coward, photo Bill Cooper
balletLORENT, which has just been announced as Sadler’s Wells newest Associate Company, has a very special line in creating fantastical dance-theatre works which appeal to the whole family.

The company is based in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, but tours extensively; and its regular appearances at Sadler’s Wells are always eagerly awaited.

This year balletLORENT is touring its own adaptation of the Brothers Grimm fairytale, Rumpelstiltskin, retold by the Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy.

The original Rumpelstiltskin story centres on a malicious imp-like creature with magical powers, who helps the miller’s daughter spin straw into gold to conquer a king, but exacts too high a price for his help. balletLORENT has turned that into a tale of love, loss and magical powers, where Rumpelstilskin is an outcast until he is revealed to be a true prince.

In other words, the titular character goes from villain to hero… and does so in the magical words of Carol Ann Duffy, narrated by the actor Ben Crompton, who’s best known perhaps for his work on Game of Thrones (and incidentally, is the husband of balletLORENT founder and director Liv Lorent).

The score is by Murray Gold (Doctor Who) and the lavish costumes were designed by Michele Clapton, also of Game of Thrones fame.

Bringing together so much proven talent, and with a proud record since its foundation 25 years ago, we have no hesitation in recommending balletLORENT’s Rumpelstiltskin as a treat for the entire family.

Age Guidance: 7+
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What balletLORENT, Rumpelstiltskin at Sadler's Wells
Where Sadler's Wells, Rosebery Avenue, London, EC1R 4TN | MAP
Nearest tube Angel (underground)
When 30 Mar 18 – 31 Mar 18, 15:00 Sat also at 11:00 Dur.: TBC
Price £18 (children £12)
Website Click here to book via Sadler's Well website

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