JACK Quartet, Wigmore Hall

The next big superstars in classical music perform spectacular works by the late, great Horatiu Redulescu...

JACK Quartet, Wigmore Hall

Whisper it, but the JACK Quartet are going to be huge. Formed while still studying in Rochester, New York, this young quartet are swiftly gaining a golden reputation for their exciting performances and uncompromising commitment to new music. Fresh-faced as they are, the quartet have already given worldwide performances and have worked with an impressive list of composers including Steve Reich, Helmut Lachenmann, Salvatore Sciarrino and Wolfgang Rihm. This eclectic concert is an invitation to hear the music of some of the finest composers of the twentieth century - Horatiu Radulescu, Ruth Crawford Seeger, and English composers Brian Ferneyhough and Julian Anderson - alongside a new work by young American composer Christopher Trapani.

We are most excited by the rare opportunity to hear a live performance of the late, great, Romanian composer Horatiu Radulescu’s String Quartet No. 5 ‘before the universe was born’. Throughout his career, Radulescu’s music  has consistently sounded like no one other than Radulescu - something that prompted Olivier Messiaen to call him ‘one of the most original young musicians of our time’ in 1979. Radulescu’s music for string instruments often takes shape around the resonant properties of the strings themselves, particularly when forced into unusual tunings or subjected to his innovative playing techniques. As a result, the beds of sound that Radulescu weaves together are simply extraordinary. The experience of this piece live is similar to the experience of having the contents of a supernova pour through your window. Give a listen and see for yourself.

We’re also looking forward to hearing the London première of the Wigmore Hall composer-in- residence Julian Anderson’s String Quartet No. 1 ‘Light Music’. Like Radulescu, Anderson is a master of using the instrumental forces at his disposal, and we look forward to seeing how he deals with the four dynamic musicians of the JACK Quartet. In March, the Arditti Quartet will be giving the world première of his second string quartet, too, so 2014 is promising to be a pretty stringy year for Mr. Anderson. 

Be sure to book your tickets soon to see four of the most exciting musicians of tomorrow performing the masterpieces of today.

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What JACK Quartet, Wigmore Hall
Where Wigmore Hall, 36 Wigmore Street, London, W1U 2BP | MAP
Nearest tube Bond Street (underground)
When On 23 Jan 14, 7.30pm
Price £From 15.00
Website Click here to book via Wigmore Hall