Zootropolis Disney film

The big hitter this Easter holidays: a family film featuring a crime-fighting bunny who takes down the establishment in Disney's Zootropolis

This Easter holidays, if you're looking for a film to watch with the little ones, forget the disappointing Batman V Superman and go instead to see Zootropolis, the latest production from Walt Disney's Animation Studio.

Set in a vast city inhabited by wildlife of every shape and size, Zootropolis follows story of Judy Hopps (Gennifer Goodwin), the first rabbit to graduate from the city's police college. Don't be fooled by the little tails and long floppy ears, however: this is not a film about animals. This is a film about politics.

Overlooked and undervalued because of her size, Judy is sent to the parking department by her boss, a buffalo called Chief Bogo (Idris Elba) and finds herself insulted by a patronising cheetah on duty who takes the liberty of calling her "cute" when, as everyone knows, only bunnies can call other bunnies "cute".

Forced to fight the culturally ingrained prejudice of her colleagues and superiors, Hopps teachers those bigger and more highy promoted how to respect the little guy, whilst also tackling the mysterious disappearance of a group of animals. Earning itself four and five star reviews across the board, this is surprise film about political correctness is enjoying its moment in the sun - long may it stay there.

Suitable for ages 6-14
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What Zootropolis Disney film
Where Various Locations | MAP
Nearest tube Leicester Square (underground)
When 25 Mar 16 – 31 May 16, 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Price £varies
Website Click here for more...

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