Project Fifty, Old Street Tube

Independent movie magazine Little White Lies is celebrating its 50th issue and to mark the anniversary it has teamed up 

Project Fifty, Old Street Tube

Independent movie magazine Little White Lies is celebrating its 50th issue and to mark the anniversary it has teamed up with 50 experts and 50 artists to bring 50 films to life.

The artists have each been given one film from each year of the past five decades as chosen by directors, actors, screenwriters, cinematographers and critics.   Their task was then to   re-imagine its defining frame.  Contributors include IMDB founder Col Needham and Looper director Rian Johnson.

As well as these illustrated icons, Little White Lies is showcasing images from sister publication Huck ’s documentary photo special, which aim to expand and challenge your view of the news, with photo stories like The Other Syria.

You can buy prints of the 50 LWL film images for just £18, we’ve got our eye on Gremlins 2: The New Batch , as drawn by Kyle Platts . And while you’re browsing, you can sample a tasty free espresso from coffee capsule company Café Pod .

Open from 8am every day until 3 December, the pop-up shop is an ideal place to stop by to snag an unusual Christmas gift for a film-lover. And if it inspires you to watch something, there’s a Project Fifty Weekender at the ICA on 6-8 December, showing classics like The Life Aquatic and Mulholland Drive .

Address & Map : Old Street Station Concourse, London, EC1Y 1BE

Nearest Tube: Old Street

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What Project Fifty, Old Street Tube
When 27 Nov 13 – 03 Dec 13
Website Click here for more information on Project Fifty