Pet Semetary: Stephen King horror is resurrected once more

'Sometimes dead is better': cursed burial grounds bring untold horrors in a new film adaption of Stephen King's novel

Pet Semetary: Stephen King’s terrifying horror is resurrected in cinemas once more
We all want to believe that there is a pet heaven where our dearly-departed furry friends can chase tennis balls and get their ears scratched to their heart’s content, but anyone who has read Stephen King’s 1983 horror novel Pet Semetary will have a very different image of the afterlife for animals.

A new film adaptation of King’s novel is coming to cinemas this April. Dr. Louis Creed (Jason Clarke) and his wife Rachel (Amy Seimetz) move their family to rural Maine. Shortly after moving in, their cat is accidently killed, and the Creed’s elderly neighbour, Jud Crandall (John Lithgow), suggests that they bury it in the burial ground in the woods near their home.

The cat mysteriously comes back to life, but as you would expect, there is something not quite right about it. Avoiding spoilers, let’s just say that this certainly isn’t the scariest resurrection that takes place in the film.

Directors Kevin Kölsch and Dennis Widmyer have already collaborated on several horror films together including Starry Eyes (2014) and Holidays (2016). The pair have also already confirmed some significant deviations from the book and its 1989 film adaptation, but it seems that these changes have paid off, as the dark prince of horror Stephen King himself recently tweeted his stamp of approval with the words: ‘This is a scary movie. Be warned’.

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What Pet Semetary: Stephen King horror is resurrected once more
When 04 Apr 19 – 04 Apr 20, TIMES VARY
Price £ determined by cinemas
Website Click here for more information

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