Is your hair having a Covid crisis? Here’s how to address it, according to an expert

Whether it's thinning hair, or a case of the frizzies, we ask Anabel Kingsley, trichologist at Philip Kingsley, for her advice on how to help restore and revive your hair

Covid and hair loss

Even though salons have re-opened and we're slowly returning to some new normality, it appears that hair is still showing the signs of pandemic damage.

DIY colour disasters, home hairdressing and a period of intense stress have caused some severe follicle damage and thinning hair. Anabel Kingsley has witnessed this first hand in her London clinic.

'We have seen an increase in the number of our clients suffering from hair loss due to stress and especially related to Covid-19. The response we have had on social media with enquiries related to shedding and what to do about it has been astronomical.'

Kingsley explains the science behind the shedding: 'Stress can wreak havoc on your hair growth cycle, and your scalp. It can raise androgen (male hormone) levels, which can worsen or trigger female pattern hair loss if you have a genetic predisposition towards it.

'This is because pattern hair loss occurs when hair follicles on your scalp are sensitive to even normal levels of male hormones. Androgens can also increase your scalp's sebum (oil) and lead to flaking and itching, increasing hair fall.

'Also, anxiety may cause you to reach for fast foods of low nutritional value, or even skip meals, which can have a knock-on effect on your hair as growth and diet are closely linked.

'Other types of hair loss as a result of stress include telogen effluvium (excessive daily hair shedding), alopecia areata (hair loss in areas), and trichotillomania (hair-pulling).'

​So what is the remedy?

While breathe work and meditation won't instantly give you the mane of Gisele, it might be hugely beneficial to help enhance what you have when it comes to hair loss treatments.

Scientists have found that controlled breathing can cause physiological changes, including reduced lactic acid build-up in muscles, lowering blood pressure and heart rate, improved gut and immune system, and a reduction in levels of stress hormones found in the blood.

The NHS recommends it, click here, or try an app like The Healing Hub, that can take your breath work to the next level through guided sessions.

Hair and health link

Along with breathing, nutrition and gut health are equally important. Kingsley says, 'A healthy diet will often improve the general appearance of the hair. You have to remember that hair is made of protein, perhaps making this an essential nutrient for hair growth.

'At our clinics in London and New York, we have found that eating at least a 120g portion of a first-class protein (one that contains all essential amino acids) at breakfast and lunch is ideal. Examples are fish, eggs, lean meat, poultry and low-fat cottage cheese. For vegetarians/vegans, tofu, quinoa and nuts are good options.

'Add iron-rich foods to the list, too, as Ferritin (a stored iron) is needed by the body to produce hair cell protein. Ferritin deficiency commonly causes increased hair fall and a shortening of the hair growth cycle's anagen (growth phase).

'If you do not eat red meat, consider taking a nutritional supplement. Although dark, leafy greens such as spinach contain iron, it is "non-haem" iron – and this is harder for the body to break down and absorb.

'And remember to include complex carbohydrates as hair cells need energy.'

The best supplements to boost hair health

Philip Kingsley Tricho Complex Hair Nutrition Formula, £45

This contains all essential vitamins and minerals at levels specifically geared towards hair health, and it will help hair growth.

Philip Kingsley Tricho Complex Hair Nutrition Formula, £45 – buy here

Hair Gain Gummies, £29.99

These are easy to swallow, taste like childhood memories and are packed full of hair-friendly ingredients like biotin, zinc and AnaGain: a complex ingredient that stimulates cells and follicles to kickstart hair growth.

Hair Gain Gummies, £29.99 – buy here

​Nourish Hair Formula, £39

These get passed around chic London hair salons to help celebrities and super clients boost hair growth and maintain a healthy head of hair. They are as much a part of a hairdresser's arsenal as brushes and hairdryers.

Nourish Hair Formula, £39 – buy here

​Viviscal Man, £29.99

Zinc, flax seed, and AminoMar C™ (a rich marine protein complex) reduces shedding and promotes healthy hair growth – specially formulated for men who are suffering from receding hair lines or hair shedding.

Viviscal Man, £29.99 – buy here

​Why you also need to include a scalp treatment

The scalp is skin and should be treated with the same care and respect as your face.

We hold a lot of stress in our heads and scalp, which affects the hair follicle and growth. A decent scalp massage along with 'anything that keeps your scalp healthy will help to support healthy hair growth', says Kingsley.

She adds, 'As with your face, I recommend treating your scalp to weekly exfoliating treatments. It will help remove excess dead skin cells and keep your scalp environment clear and supple.'

​Philip Kingsley Trichotherapy Exfoliating Scalp Mask 2 x 20ml, £19

This clears the way for healthy hair growth by removing build-up, dead skin cells, and treating dandruff and excess scalp sebum problems.

Philip Kingsley Trichotherapy Exfoliating Scalp Mask 2 x 20ml, £19 – buy here

​Inkey List Salicylic Acid Exfoliating Scalp Toner, £11.99

Use to gently exfoliate the scalp and also help with inflammation and dandruff.

Inkey List Salicylic Acid Exfoliating Scalp Toner, £11.99 – buy here

​How to combat the frizzies

If your hair is damaged from hair colouring or overzealous heat styling, then you'll need to invest in a twice-weekly mask.

The reason, Anabel explains is that, 'dry hair is more brittle and likely to break. When hairs snap off in various places around your head, they can stick out and make your style look frizzy.'

A mask used a couple of times a week will make a massive difference.

​Beauty Director's choice: Bleach London Reincarnation Mask, £17

'This has transformed my frizzy and dry lockdown locks to a glossy, healthy-looking mane. Plus, even though it's super-nourishing, it doesn't weigh hair down, so it is perfect for all hair types that need a boost.' Sarah Joan Ross

Bleach London Reincarnation Mask, £17 – buy here

​Olaplex Hair Perfector No.3, £26

This salon-led formula boosts all hair types that are colour or chemically treated.

Olaplex Hair Perfector No.3, £26 – buy here

​Christophe Robin Regenerating Mask with Rare Prickly Pear Seed Oil, £54

A super-concentrated mask that boosts moisture levels and imparts a glossy shine, along with an incredible smell.

Christophe Robin Regenerating Mask with Rare Prickly Pear Seed Oil, £54 – buy here

Split end help

Nothing can fix split ends apart from a decent trim; however, if you are trying to spread out the salon visits, this can help.

​Philip Kingsley Bond Builder Split End Remedy, £26

This will help against breakage and make the ends look sleek and smooth.

Philip Kingsley Bond Builder Split End Remedy, £26 – buy here

For an appointment with Anabel Kingsley or one of her dedicated team members – click here.

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